In Mass Effeect 2 for Xbox 360, you can import characters from the first Mass Effect game and receive nice bonuses for doing so.. from credits, to resources, and even free levels.
Mass Effect 2 is a science-fiction role-playing action game developed by BioWare for the Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3.1 It is the sequel to Mass Effect and the second game in the Mass Effect trilogy. For the walkthrough, see Mass Effect 2 Guide. For content cut from the final version of the game, see Mass Effect 2 Cut Content. 1 Release 1.1 Retail bonus items 1.2 Promotional bonus items 2. This will land you a bonus skill point, which you can use by instituting the Retrain Powers upgrade. Repeat this process for additional skill points; one at a time! Prequel bonuses: - Have a saved game file from the original Mass Effect and use that profile in Mass Effect 2 to get the following bonuses. Prequel bonuses. Have a saved game file from the original Mass Effect on your hard drive, and use that profile in Mass Effect 2 to get the following bonuses. 100,000 credits: Mass Effect character with the 'Rich' achievement 30,000 credits: Level 50 Mass Effect character 2,000 experience points: Level 50 Mass Effect character 5,000 of each resource: Level 50 Mass Effect character. So I've never done a Sentinel run and I've been wondering about bonus powers for both 2 and 3. Reave sounds like a really good power for 2 but should I stick with it for 3 or go to Dark Channel which I hear isn't as good. Please note that I accidentally reset ME3 removing all achievements and bonus powers. I did a quick run with Ashley but I haven't unlocked Kaiden's bonuses yet so no Reave.
Import a level 60 character and you start at level 5, get 50k credits, 4k experience, and 10k of each resource.
In Mass Effeect 2 for Xbox 360, you can import characters from the first Mass Effect game and receive nice bonuses for doing so.. from credits, to resources, and even free levels.
Mass Effect 2 is a science-fiction role-playing action game developed by BioWare for the Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3.1 It is the sequel to Mass Effect and the second game in the Mass Effect trilogy. For the walkthrough, see Mass Effect 2 Guide. For content cut from the final version of the game, see Mass Effect 2 Cut Content. 1 Release 1.1 Retail bonus items 1.2 Promotional bonus items 2. This will land you a bonus skill point, which you can use by instituting the Retrain Powers upgrade. Repeat this process for additional skill points; one at a time! Prequel bonuses: - Have a saved game file from the original Mass Effect and use that profile in Mass Effect 2 to get the following bonuses. Prequel bonuses. Have a saved game file from the original Mass Effect on your hard drive, and use that profile in Mass Effect 2 to get the following bonuses. 100,000 credits: Mass Effect character with the 'Rich' achievement 30,000 credits: Level 50 Mass Effect character 2,000 experience points: Level 50 Mass Effect character 5,000 of each resource: Level 50 Mass Effect character. So I've never done a Sentinel run and I've been wondering about bonus powers for both 2 and 3. Reave sounds like a really good power for 2 but should I stick with it for 3 or go to Dark Channel which I hear isn't as good. Please note that I accidentally reset ME3 removing all achievements and bonus powers. I did a quick run with Ashley but I haven't unlocked Kaiden's bonuses yet so no Reave.
Import a level 60 character and you start at level 5, get 50k credits, 4k experience, and 10k of each resource.
Mass Effect 2 Save Import
Import a level 50 character and you start with 2k experience, 30k credits, and 5k of each resource.
Mass Effect 2 Import Bonuses Items
Import any level character with the Rich Achievement from the first Mass Effect and you receive a bonus of 100k extra credits, on top of what you would get for their level bonuses.